#1221 in World
#7 in Hong Kong
#362 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name TROYI

Real name Troyi

Country Hong Kong

TROYI Biography

Troyi is a Hong Kong dj, pianist, model and a producer. She started learning piano since she was 3 years old and she chose to study music production in Griffith Conservatorium (Australia) and that interested her to become a Dj, so she started djing during her university years in 2011. Having since relocated back to Hong Kong, her DJ career had toured her to England,Noumea,Taiwan,China, Australia,Thailand,Philippines,Singapore, Malaysia etc.
Except playing in clubs and bars, she performed in different music festivals such as Sensation, Esports&music festival, Music festival in Shanghai,AIA, Formula e, etc
She had also performed for brands or events like Nike, Oakley, Levis, Monster, Alivenotdead, MHD, Martell, K11,dahood, etc.
Except Djing, she endorsed products and brands and appeared on different kinds on social medias.
Troyi had been involved in drama 'POLE 2.0' as a DJ in 2016.
She was a member of TNL(dj duo) from 2016-2019
Since TNL were disbanded in 2020,Troyi is going solo

2016 TNL was ranked in djanemag China top 5
2017-2018 TNL the top 10 sexiest asian female djs.
2018 TNL released the first song collaborate with Hanjin Tan called 成名曲
2019 TNL was ranked in Asia’s top 10 Dj duos
2020Top100 djane in the world and top 20 in asia